Beet - 2024
The group exhibition Beet was shown from 03.-04.07.24 at Gewächshaus, Wartenau 16 in Hamburg.
The exhibition concept was developed by Jana Rippmann, Philipp Reuver, Xintong Sun and Daphne Reuver, in which ten artists and wild plants were connected in a poetic way.
A guiltless feast - 2023
Handbraided icelandic wool and silk ribbon, 64 x 13 x 3 cm
A guiltless feast acts as a tangible artifact from myths, religion and dreams whilst its interwoven narratives offer glimpses into the intangible realms of material heritage.
The object was shown in the group exhibition "Touched by the equinox", 21.03.23 at the Icelandic Textile Center in Blönduós, Iceland.
The paintings were shown in the solo exhibition "Vom Rot geworfene Schatten sind Blau", 28.10.-24.11.22 in Klub der Künste Off space, Deichtorhallen Hamburg.
Heilige Erde - 2018-2023
The series of photos were taken in a five year long research around local raw wool in Germany. Exploring the intimate relation between nature, animals and humans through field research, Heilige Erde reveals the evolving meaning of cultural heritage in our hyper-industrial society.
The photos were shown in the solo exhibition "FÜR DIE WOLLE", 23.08.-01.09.21 at the Klub der Künste Off space of Deichtorhallen Hamburg, Germany.
Krafttraining - 2020
Krafttraining is a collaborative artist book published by the experimental pilot-publisher Delfine Verlag in Vienna and is part of the artist book series "Anstatt die Dinge zu betrachten" in 2020.
Each artist had a period of two weeks to manipulate given textile material by the publisher. The idea was to question the medium "artist book" and explore alternative appearances.
The group of artists/authors only communicated through the material and its de-/construction.
Artists/Authors: Veronika Dirnhofer, Sophia Davislim, Valerie Ludwig, Nana Mandl, Viktoria Morgenstern, Daphne Reuver
Photo credits: Viktoria Morgenstern
Bralette - 2016